6 Things To Keep Private 

Hiding your personal life is not the same as hiding it. If something happens under normal circumstances, it is far better to tell close friends or someone you trust who has such information.

But if you feel like you need an explanation for certain things in your life in order for others to understand you, you may feel tempted to justify yourself. If you regret sharing the attachment without asking, you are sharing too much.

You know that just any fact or amount of money you shared is too much, even if it now seemed like a way to connect with the other person

Sharing too much online, using social media as your personal diary, is even worse. Many people have access to what you post and not everyone has the best intentions. The little joy you get from likes, comments, and engagement in your posts isn’t worth the results.

 1. Your Belifs

Being honest and open is a way to communicate. This is well known, but some people mistake him for being honest enough to reveal any personal details to anyone who will listen. To be authentic, your beliefs and actions must align – you must live up to your values ​​rather than trying to please someone.

That’s why oversharing in all aspects of life is the opposite of being authentic. Using vulnerability to gain recognition, sympathy, connection or anything else is not really the same as being vulnerable.

Before you tell others, you need to think about why you are doing it. If you’re trying to achieve something, you’re not being authentic. If you try to build a strong relationship without first laying the foundation, you are oversharing.

2. Your Religious Views 

Most people view religion as a private matter. Respect for other opinions, their beliefs, or lack thereof is just what to think when you should expect the same when it comes to your inappropriate religious beliefs. 

3. Options You Choose 

Your life choices may be objectively terrible, but no one deserves to criticize you for them. As an adult, your choices are your responsibility and your responsibility, so you don’t need to consult with anyone.

4. Your Political Views

Some people think about politics, but no amount of discussion will change anyone’s mind. People have strong political feelings, so in some cases your political views can lose you. Not that your political beliefs have to be a secret, but be sure to be selective with whom you share them.

5. Your Act of Kindness 

Be kind to make life easier for others instead of using it as a way to get ahead or score brownie points. Good work enriches the producer as much as it helps the person at the end receiving it. No one needs to know about your kind and glorious deeds, and boasting will make you unhappy.

6. Your Lifestyle

Your personal life is nobody’s business, despite what those who want to know might believe. If you feel like you have to defend your choices, it’s because you don’t trust yourself or someone else is judging you.

People who reject anything different in their lives often do so out of jealousy and bitterness. Shared inquiry is often an invitation for clarification and understanding because it is different.


In end, there are three essential elements of your existence which you have to attempt to hold personal: your beliefs, your spiritual perspectives, and the selections you are making. Oversharing personal details can frequently cause misalignment together with your actual self and create useless complications for your relationships. By preserving a level of privacy in these areas, you no longer best hold your authenticity but also defend your self from capability judgment and negativity. Remember that it's k to hold positive components of your lifestyles to yourself, as your non-public journey and picks are yours to navigate and proportion selectively with those you consider.

Thanks For Reading, much Appreciated, Follow me on Medium :- @Maxcol


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